Nathalie Bagdasarjanz

Senior Consultant

In my work, I like to be guided by Leibniz's quote "Clarity in words, usefulness in things". As an assessor, trainer or coach of business executives, it is essential for me to find words that get to the core of a matter and therefore provide impulses.

I am particularly fascinated by the fact that every assignment is unique and that I discover new aspects of how leadership is manifested in the present-day working world on a daily basis. I am not only interested in the individual. I also like to design and facilitate team developments and take great pleasure in accompanying organizations or teams in change processes.

I am a person who sees matters from different perspectives. In addition, with me you will find a present and committed person who will meet you openly and appreciatively while also keeping things light with a pinch of humor.
+41 43 268 11 38

Work experience

Nathalie Bagdasarjanz has several years of experience in personnel and organizational development - both as a specialist as well as in a management position. Her experience and knowledge includes the conception of educational opportunities for specialists and executives, the consulting and support of clients in the context of change processes as well as the planning and moderation of workshops and team developments. She also brings well-founded experience in the management of projects in the field of HR and organizational communication.


  • Bachelor of Science in Psychology
  • BA in Communication
  • Systemic coach and organisational consultant isi (Institut für Systemische Impulse, Zurich)
  • Further training in team coaching (CRR Gloabl, Zurich)


German, English

Main Focus:

  • Assessment and Development Centre
  • Training and Management Development
  • Team- and Organizational Development
  • Coaching